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粉丝包菜 stir fry cabbage美味好吃的做法大全,粉丝包菜 stir fry cabbage做法图解

粉丝包菜 stir fry cabbage的做法步骤图


粉丝 sweet potato noodles 1把
包菜 cabbage 0.5个
酱油 soy sauce 0.5勺 cooking spoon
老抽 dark soy sauce 1勺 cooking spoon
蚝油 oyster sauce 1 甩 drop
蒜蓉 minced garlic 1勺 spoon
葱 spring onion 1根
小米辣 Chili padi 1只
盐 salt 1勺 seasoning spoon
糖 sugar 1勺 seasoning spoon

粉丝包菜 stir fry cabbage的做法  

  1. 热锅冷油,加入蒜蓉,葱(切段),辣椒(切段),直到蒜蓉微微发黄。cut spring onion and Chili padi. hot the pot and add oil. Add minced garlic, spring onion and Chili padi. Small fire until the garlic is a little bit brown.

  2. 加入包菜,粉丝,加入调料。翻炒直到包菜变软。Add cabbage and sweet potato noodles, stir fry. Add in soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and sugar. Stir fry until the cabbage become soft.

TAG标签:fry 包菜 Stir Cabbage 粉丝 #